Proof for the Worldwide Flood From History

Here in Alaska, we recently had a 7.0 earthquake that left plenty of evidence that it had occurred:  Roads with sections 6 feet below the rest, broken windows of businesses, cracked drywall in houses, fallen ceiling panes, and really big messes of broken glass and spilled food in the houses and grocery stores.  Thankfully, no one was greatly injured or killed, a miracle I thank God for, but you could tell that a big event had happened.
If a worldwide flood really did occur, then there should be evidence left behind, right?  I mean, if something on that grand of a scale rocked the entire planet there would be clues.

You know what?  There are.  There's stretches of huge sediment over vast areas of the world with a diversity of plants and animals being buried and fossilized together.  Also, a jellyfish fossilization graveyard in Utah, USA where all of the jellyfish are facing the same direction like a water current pushed them. (Jellyfish!  Fossilized!  They have no bones!) And, the petrified wood forests show evidence of a catastrophic water event uprooting them, because there aren't any fossilized branches with the wood, nor is there evidence of detritus around the petrified trees (that's the decomposing parts of the forest littering the forest floor.)  There's evidence that a large dam left over from the flood carved the Grand Canyon.

All of these are fascinating and will be dealt with hopefully in forthcoming posts, but what I want to discuss today is historical proof for the flood.

The Bible says that the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat after some of the water had gone down.  The 8 people coming out of the ark needed what all humans need:  food, water, shelter.  As the water receded, those items would have been harder to come by on the top of a mountain.  They naturally would have traveled downward and settled by a river, like all ancient peoples.  So, if the Bible's account were true, and there were no other people on earth, then the earliest human history should have taken place near Mt. Ararat as Noah's family began multiplying on the earth.  Time would eventually produce settlements and cities and governments.  What is so wonderful is that this is exactly what we see.  The earliest civilization, Mesopotamia, lies just south of the base of Mt. Ararat!  Take a look at this map:

Why isn't the earliest civilization in North America?  Or Africa, Russia, or South America?  It's because the Bible is true and the worldwide flood really happened.

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