Soft Tissue Found in Fossilized Dinosaur Bones

Did you know that soft tissue, collagen, and red blood cells have been found intact in dinosaur fossils?  This is my favorite proof.  It was so amazing to learn that blood cells had been found in dinosaurs!
Two main cases are:
  • In 2005 Mary Schweitzer discovered soft tissue and red blood cells in a Tyrannosaurus bone extracted from the Hell Creek Formation. 
  • In 2015, British scientists examined old fossils and found soft tissue and collagen (a protein) inside.
Reading through the journal article written by these British Scientists, I discovered that there are many more cases of preserved soft tissues found in dinosaur fossils.

Do soft tissue and intact red blood cells seem to be better evidence for a young earth and worldwide flood or millions of years of evolutionary change?

Read the Evolutionary perspective on this discovery here.
Read the creation perspective here.

For more reading just google "Tyrannosaurus red blood cells."

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